Monday 18 July 2016


Immigration Services
The decision to apply for US immigration is a huge one and requires a lot of thought and contemplation.  It’s not easy to start all over again in an entirely new and foreign country; just the thought of it seems daunting, I know. However, moving to the USA might just turn out to be an all-American dream after all. The United States is one of the most influential countries of the world in respect to politics, economics and trade. Being a land full of opportunities, this country has become a top choice to immigrate to for people looking for a better and a more advanced lifestyle. Be it a career change, a need for adventure, the urge for a fresh start or the search of an experience of a lifetime, the list of reasons that motivate you to reach this verdict are endless. Thus, in an attempt to make this monumental decision a bit easier for you, I will be talking through some of the key reasons that will help you surmise why you should consider applying for this program.

The presence of a diverse culture

Cross Culture
The people residing in this country represent an array of various ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. It provides an opportunity for its citizens to be independent thinkers and exceptionally innovative individuals by combining the wisdom of many different cultures and backgrounds. Often referred to as a nation of immigrants, the United States opens its doors to a wide number of migrants every year, welcoming them to their country. Its rich heritage is a result of a successive influx of immigrants from around the world and that is why the country has often being described as a “melting pot” where divergent cultures have devoted their own distinctive flavors to the American culture. The American economy  is home to a heterogeneous culture ranging from Hispanics, African Americans, Eastern Europeans, Asians and South Americans to name a few. With such a diverse society, there is little room to get bored here as there are too many different types of individuals to meet and interact with!

Sponsorship for family members

Assuming that you’re initially planning to obtain the citizenship status just for yourself, you should be ecstatic to know that you won’t have to live there alone for a long period of time as the United States grants its citizens the right to sponsor their immediate family members and relatives to apply for a US Green Card. If you marry an outsider after securing your citizenship, you will have the legal right to sponsor your spouse for a green card. Moreover, if you choose to apply for citizenship through the EB-5 program then you can simultaneously submit the application for yourself, your spouse and your children under the age of 21 years which makes it easier and less complicated!

A sturdy education system

Getting a good education is the primary priority for most young individuals these days and what better country than this to go to pursue your education! The number of international students in the United States keeps increasing every year as more and more students choose to broaden their educational experience here. This country boasts one of the world’s most preeminent university systems, with remarkable programs at both the undergraduate as well as the graduate levels. Moreover, America also provides a variety of educational opportunities to pick from as it is home to a huge number of different colleges and universities that offer scholarships, academic excellence, flexibility, research opportunities, use of the latest cutting-edge technology, an amazing campus life experience as well as long-term career prospects. Almost everyone is aware of two of the most prestigious, top-notch and well regarded educational institutes in the world, being Harvard and Yale, which are situated in America and to choose either one of them to pursue your education would be an excellent choice. However, America’s education system is not just restricted to these two renowned universities as there are many other honorable universities and colleges that provide an equally good education system for all, such as Brown and Columbia University, to name just a few. Thus, if you want to get the best education for yourself or for your kids that will promise to expand your future career prospects then applying for Citizenship status is the smartest choice!

Countless career opportunities to choose from

Earning a living is your only chance at survival no matter where you’re residing. If you’ve applied for citizenship application for America then you’re very lucky because it will allow you to apply for most of the jobs within the American territory. Being a land full of fresh opportunities, this country has become a hotspot for career driven and ambitious individuals who are seeking to pave their way and make a stand for themselves in this cutting edge economy. There are several options available to you for your career choice. If you’re a finance expert then Wall Street is the door that will open countless finance related opportunities for you. On the other hand, if the entertainment world is where you seek to find work then LA is your destination to move to. These are just a few examples as the opportunities are numerous. Moreover, if you’re planning to secure your Citizenship through the EB-5 United States Program then this will not only present you with a chance to invest your money in a commercial enterprise, such as a hotel, which will open up a new and exciting career path for you but it will also simultaneously generate employment for others as well, giving a boost to the American economy which is a pretty good thing if you’re planning to spend the rest of your life there because the better the economy, the higher the standards of living for you!

The Food Aspect

If you’re a foodie then America is definitely your dream destination to move to! The food here will satisfy all sorts of cravings that you’ve ever had. Whether it is a small town or a big city, they all have their own classic cuisines with secret recipes that deliver the most scrumptious flavors. Be it cheesy hamburgers, sizzling hot dogs, crispy potato chips, Apple Pie, or the famous Mac and Cheese, when you hear the name of any one of this foodstuff, your mouth instantly waters and your mind takes you to America because they are the most famous American food items. But that’s not it; there is also a variety of different styles of cooking which are specific to a particular region. The best example will be of the Southern Style Kentucky fried chicken which is most commonly referred to as “comfort style food” and is a very popular American dish, promising to deliver comfort and great taste simultaneously. Thus, being a food lover gives you all the more incentive to get your hands on that green card which will make sure that your entry into America will be flavorsome if nothing else!

A variety of travelling destinations both inside AND outside of America

Tourism is yet another reason that will reinforce your decision to apply for immigration as soon as possible. Being one of the largest and most diverse countries in the world, United States is home to a wide range of stunning tourist destinations ranging from the thundering falls of Niagara, the 24/7 active and bustling Times Square, the incredible skyscrapers of New York, the exciting and adventurous city of Las Vegas and the magical Disney Land, to name just a few.  Once you obtain your US citizenship, you’ll be permitted to travel anywhere within the country AND outside the country as well! Yes, that’s right. The American citizens are free to travel 160 countries around the world regardless of not having a visa in their US passport, some of which include Egypt, Canada, Fiji, Bahamas, Japan, Germany and Switzerland. So in case you get tired of visiting the beautiful places within America and are in need of a fresh change of scenery, the US citizenship covers that as well!

Freedom to practice the religion of your choice

Based on the ideology of its founding fathers, America allows its residents to practice whichever religion they deem fit. There are no boundaries or stipulations limiting the religious practices of the different types of believers living in the country. Even though the American population mainly comprises of a large chunk of Christians, there are also many Muslims, Sikhs, Jews and Hindus residing in the country and leading a successful life. These religious sects might still be a minority in the US but their number keeps increasing as more and more immigrants with varied religious backgrounds choose to shift to this country. Moreover, the religious places within the country are not just limited to churches and chapels, but they also consist of a large number of mosques and temples as well. So if it’s your faith that is holding you back from filing for an application, then rest assured that it’s not something that will cause you trouble once you Immigrate to USA.

You can buy whatever you want to

Shopping will never be as easy for you as it can be if you choose to stay in this country. Whether you want to order groceries online, or buy a cheap pair of jeans from a thrift shop, or splurge a large amount of money on some exorbitant retail therapy from Louis Vuitton, this country has it all! You can easily refer to America as a shopper’s paradise where the shoppers often follow the concept “shop till you drop”.  The various sales make shopping more affordable and nothing can be a better example of this than the most renowned Black Friday, Christmas and Easter Sales. Hence, if you’re a shopaholic or if you prefer convenient shopping which is just a click away then acquiring that green card has become even more tempting for you!

The free and innovative American market

The US economy is fueled by its free market system which promotes inventiveness and innovation. The competitiveness of its free market is an outcome of highly competent businesses that provide the citizens with the necessary products and services that are up to date with the lasted global market trends. This system has given birth to companies such as Apple that possess the dexterity to produce one ingenious product after another which has the entire world waiting anxiously for months for its next innovative release. Living in a society which promotes the free market system is very beneficial for its citizens as it encourages customer services and quality control. Thus, if you’re frustrated with the centralized government system of the country you’re currently living in then the American market will give you just the right dose of freedom to get you started!

How to proceed after the final decision to apply for US immigration has been taken?

US Passport
Once you’ve put a lot of thought and consideration into this decision and made up your mind to apply for citizenship, you need to take the final step by choosing the right people to guide you throughout this lengthy and strenuous procedure. Lalani & Associates is a professional services firm that provides Citizenship and Residency Services for US immigration, among many other countries, through the EB-5 United States Program. All of the projects are government approved and through their expert knowledge in the field of immigration and consultancy, they will ensure to make this process as smooth for you as possible and will provide you with quality services that will be worth every penny.
If you’re looking for more extensive information and latest updates on our Immigration Services then be sure to follow the Facebook and LinkedIn profiles of Lalani & Associates. The links have been given down below.  These profiles will cover everything in great detail and will answer all your queries related to the application procedure.